Share Return Calculator with Dividends
Total Initial Amount:
Total Final Amount:
Total Time of Investment (in years):
Total Time of Investment (in months):
Total Gain Amount:
Total Gain Percentage:
Return on Investment (Per Year):
Return on Investment (Per Month):
Rate of Investment with Dividends (Per Year):
Updated On: December 28, 2024
Share Return Calculator is a mathematical tool that helps to calculate the overall performance of the share in particular duration. The result of return from a particular stock provides various information that helps strengthen investor for more better approaches. Return from any stock is called as Return on Investment (ROI) and is expressed in percentage or percentage per year.
The growth of any investment is analyzed by calculating it’s profit over duration of time. The positive return indicate profit while the negative return indicate loss. The return from stocks is time dependent where the period of investment plays a major role in maximizing profit. The return is also calculated with dividends or dividends reinvestment. Share return with dividends is more profitable as profit from particular stock’s is shared among investors. The profit amount is either distributed in cash or it can be used for buying more shares of that stock.

Instruction on Using Share Return Calculator
Step 1: Enter the quantity of Share in the first input field.
Step 2: Enter the Initial (or buying) price per share in the second input field.
Step 3: Enter the time duration (or holding duration or time duration between selling and buying) of particular share (stock). You can enter duration of year as well as month (optional) in respective fields.
Step 4: Input the final (or selling) price per share.
Step 5: Press “Calculate” button to output rate on investment (ROI) on particular share. Additionally, you can also add the dividend amount obtained from that share within the above time frame to get the actual ROI.
Why Calculate Share Return?
Investment in any share is usually for earning profit and amount of profit matters. The profit after investment for certain duration may differ form stocks to stocks. The net profit acquired from particular share per year is termed as return on investment (ROI). The ROI depends on duration of investment and plays important role in growing profit. Calculating return from share of particular company gives an overview idea about various investment parameters.
The share with good return are popular among investors. It is an important metric that gives the decision for future investment, improvement in investment planning, maximizing return shortcomings.
How to Calculate Share Return?
ROI is a profit earned from investment on certain Share (Stock) for certain duration of time. It is calculated by obtaining the profit amount by differences of final and initial price. The profit amount is divided by initial amount and then multiplied by 100 to get the return percentage.
Share Return Formula
Share Return Formula = {(Final Price – Investment or Initial Price)/Initial Price} *100
To obtain return on investment per year, it can be calculated as:
ROI per Year = Return on Investment / Duration (in years)
For Example: Let assume that Mr. X bought 20 share of ABC company on 20th December 2021 at 120 per share. On 20th December 2023, he sold his share at 150 each. What will be his ROI.
To calculate ROI:Total Initial purchase amount: 20 x 120 = 2400
Total final (or selling) amount = 3000
Time Duration = 2 years
Profit amount = 600
Return from this transaction (ROI) = 600/2400 = 0.25%
ROI per Year = 0.25%/2 = 0.125%
Similarly, Return on Investment with dividends, dividends reinvestment and s&p 500 can be calculated.
Thomsett, M. C. (2017). Stock Market Math: Essential formulas for selecting and managing stock and risk. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
Powell, G. R. (2012). Marketing calculator: Measuring and managing return on marketing investment. John Wiley & Sons.